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How can we stop push backs at EU borders?

Push backs are illegal attempts to stop migrants and refugees from reaching the EU. To stop push backs at EU borders, we advocate for a welcoming Europe, with a migration policy grounded in human rights and solidarity. We condemn the violence, arbitrary detention, and pushbacks migrants face at EU borders, emphasising the need for safe and regular migration channels. 

The Greens oppose agreements with authoritarian regimes aimed at preventing people from arriving, advocating instead for policies that uphold the right to seek asylum and respect the human rights of migrants. We criticise right-wing narratives that scapegoat migrants and advocate for comprehensive policies addressing societal and economic challenges. 

We believe that fulfilling human rights obligations, like refugee protection, and building inclusive societies will uphold European values and enrich societies culturally and economically. We oppose the recent reforms of the Common European Asylum System, which we see as even more repressive than the current system and failing to uphold migrants’ rights. We call for an end to EU funding for countries engaging in human rights violations at borders and urges the European Commission to take action against such practices.

Keywords: pushbacks, migration, immigration, refugees, asylum, asylum seekers, eu borders


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